Happiness is relative…!

We live in a world of duality is a fact which one starts to accept as we understand the concept of there being one Universal soul … or Divinity or the ‘Brahman’. One also starts to understand the dual illusory world one creates for oneself through the operation of our mind, our brain, the sense organs … the knowledge one accumulates.. even giving ourselves an identity or in other words …’the Ego’. The spiritual path also tells one that perhaps living in duality and not understanding it could be the major source of our unhappiness. While we may know this, one also knows that there is no physical way to reverse this duality … It is perpetual unless one understands the power of our thoughts and the manipulation by the mind fueled by our senses. So then one is in a quandary … how does one live … , be happy and also progress towards a Karma balance.. for an eventual salvation….!

No easy answers here..! We do know that our ‘thoughts’ are the primary source for perpetuating our duality ..and we get millions of them every minute… So can we regulate how we direct our thoughts at the inception itself?Perhaps.., but since they are numerous, it may not be possible first to understand, then to segregate and finally to decide what thoughts we want…or what we want to discard. Can we reduce the volume of our thoughts…so that we can have more of an oversight..? All feasible answers but difficult to monitor as well as implement, though with a little insight one can determine the direction or in other words our intent… which is also significant! So if we cannot tap the origin of the flow, what are options of firstly understanding the duality and then effectively dealing with it .. for greater the distance between the two the more our..unhappiness index?

Life is complex …isn’t it? Understanding it is also difficult … not to ask of the possible solutions, which again could have many versions… Therefore the answer also has to be relative and not an absolute.. If one can achieve ‘Relative Happiness’ … one should be able to make do..isn’t it? But what is this exactly… in a world full of absolutes..in world which differentiates only what one can see and what one cannot..? Is it being there but yet not being there? It’s difficult but an important part of the puzzle.. and the answer could lie in a combination or collective understanding of actions rather than one.. Let’s attempt to find an answer…

We already know that one cannot restrict the volume or for that matter the quality of our thoughts … but if one can impose an ‘Intent’ rider to those thoughts one can perhaps give some direction to those thoughts. The second action … to my mind is the power to ‘Accept’ the direction as well as the consequences of our actions. With clearly laid down intent and the acceptance of one’s actions, will hopefully take away attention from thoughts as well as consequent actions which border on ‘Expectation’ which our mind conjures up so often. Full happiness is a myth… but relative happiness can be within your grasp… It’s not very easy to write on these concepts and sometimes it takes …many versions for one to be right. However, my writing may be.. ‘relative’ to the actual truth but have belief that I am not far away..!!