The Blue Mountains…an holiday to savour..!!

It’s end of another eventful year, perhaps a little less dramatic from some of the past year ends but eventful nonetheless.. Year end activity is usually the one of bonhomie, parties, celebrations …and this year follows the one of pre covid periods reminding one of the fact that the revelry is back having turned the tide against the fear of human extinction. No mean feat … and a reasonable reason for a celebration and of course travel! South of India with its green ecology, good travel infrastructure …is always a perennial favourite.So South India was the choice – the Blue Mountains or Nilgiris in popular terminology! The ‘Blue Mountains’ were likely named for the widespread blue Strobilanthes flower ( hope I got that correct) or the smoky haze enveloping the area…Will speak more about the history a little later ..after landing at Coimbatore airport in Tamil Nadu which is the gateway to our holiday…

Holidays specially the year end one’s are not only about seeing new places but also about bonding with friends and family, a little me time in this busy world, a follow up on that unfinished story or book, lazy meal times amidst fabulous views and finally a time to reflect on one’s actions in the the recent past as well as a little plan of how we want the future to unfold… We do not always achieve every ideal that we set out with but vacations are a great tool to shut out the noise for a little while and internalise our thoughts…perhaps for that elusive awakening that one is looking for. The Blue mountains or the Nilgiris are a mountain range at a junction of the Western and Eastern Ghats and bounded by states of Karnataka and Kerala. Nilgiris is a tribal belt, the ancient abode of tribes specially Toda, Kota and Badagas, who still exist but their population are a fraction of the total population residing here.Ootacamund or Ooty and Coonoor are the key cities and that is our destination. However it is no doubt that it is the British which really put these destinations on the India map not only as places of tourist interest but also as quality producers of Tea which finds buyers across the world..

Ooty as well as Coonoor located at a distance of 30 to 40 min car drive from each other have many places of tourist interest either within the cities limits or outside of it… for instance the Doddabeta peak, which is the highest peak on the range, the Ooty lake, the botanical garden, Dolphins nose, the Karnataka garden,old heritage golf clubs and of course the mesmerising view of the layered tea lined estates on the mountain slopes. For the wild life enthusiast, the Nilgiris are host to two wildlife reserves and are host to one of the largest herd of elephants in the region besides the Bison which we had occasion to spot crossing the road. One of the wildlife reserves is the Madhumalai Wildlife Sanctuary bounded by the Bandipur Tiger reserve.…These places are beautiful and if you do happen to be there by all means visit them. However if your vacation is more than a sightseeing trip ….then consider the following which u may find interesting to fulfil some of the other objectives we set out earlier in the article….

A comfortable place to stay, secluded yet accessible, heritage, overlooking the mountains with a private green patch of its own and not crowded… we found one..Danish Villa, located on Sheddon road having an unbelievable ambiance in this age. It’s part of Club Mahindra and unlike its other properties its a haven of class, built in colonial style, not most modern but having a character you come to look for on a holiday… Small property, attentive staff, middling food, enjoyable and was perhaps my ideal for this holiday. Having found an ideal staying place, one view is to spend time in the verandah or the green lawns outside amidst sunshine or the drizzle or experience the fog while looking at the amazing view of the hillsides with perhaps a book or your thoughts for company…., the other being to explore the quaint towns as one takes a break from one’s solo thought process. Good eating places along with the sights was our idea of that exploration except for one exception…. ‘taking a ride on the heritage ‘Toy Train’, which runs from Ooty to Coonoor- an experience of beautiful views,on narrow tracks, rickety interiors and of course the over enthusiasm of the travelling crowd. A famous song was shot on top of the train…and boy the crowd did not let you forget it on the one hour ride… Exceptional whichever way one takes it…but an experience nonetheless!

Culinary experiences are the other highlight of every holiday not only because some of these places are exceptional but also one has the time, patience as well as the enthusiasm to enjoy the same. Both Ooty and Coonoor do not disappoint or they rather excel in such places…. Four places are a must visit, two in Ooty,one in Coonoor and one in between. The first one is called a ‘Le Cafe’ situated within the Littlearth square opp the Collectors office. Lovely casual diner with super Pizza’s, pasta’s healthy drinks, desserts and coffee.. The second is up in the hills called the ‘Kings Cliff’… super views with super tasty food and even better if its cold with bright sunshine! Coonoor however, is not to be left behind as the next place ‘ Cafe Diem’ is there. Situated again on a hill within a private Villa residence with the garden as well as outside areas designed like a Zen abode. Perhaps the best place for vegan, gluten free food as well as sugar free desserts. Fourth is a place situated between Coonoor and Ooty, a restaurant called ‘Culinarium’… try their Pot Pies, high tea with pastries and one truly starts believing in the magic of the hills…

However, if five star’s are your calling, Taj Savoy, still brings that old world charm. An evening around the bonfire at the hotel and a Chinese meal were wonderful. Chocolates are the other Ooty favourite … do not forget to visit ‘Moddy’s if that is something u enjoy.

Holidays are slow to plan as well as start but then one does not want them to get over. I guess all of us have our own stories to tell in this holiday period… a magical time at this time of the year…Wishing all the very best for Christmas and the New Year. May 2023 bring you the best of everything and more of ‘Holidays’!!